Love / Marriage Proposal Pics and photoes

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Will you marry me is one of the most important moment in life of couples.

A Beautiful and romantic couple,

Army man proposing his girlfriend. A real encouraging marriage proposal.

proposal during walk.
a romantic couple during proposal.

a very beautiful lady getting proposed by a man.
A new idea to propose .

hollywood love proposal

showing love by kneeling down before love.
a proposal forever

a love proposal , quite beautiful and romantic with knees down.

A very innovative marriage proposal

young man on knees proposing girl in romantic pink background
cute couple during proposal

a very smart couple. Young man offering ring to beautiful lady.

this is my favorite proposal scene. Too much innovative and romantic.
romantic young couple pic at sunset beach

yet another beautiful proposal pic boy on knees

A romantic couple. Boy proposing on knees to girl.

proposal after game. sportsman offering ring.

a very romantic couple pic . Handsome man proposing girl.

A wedding proposal pic in the rain. Perhaps proposing in rain is most romantic that can happen.
cute couple kids
a very charming lady in red being offered ring by man in black,
Another very beautiful couple. man proposing her charming girlfriend.
an innovative type of proposal with smiling on knees.
Asian couple during proposal.
yet another proposal scene, boy proposing girl on knees, offering ring to girl.
an innovative proposal for maariage, offering ring to girl after the match,
I think we have seen this pic above,,:) a very very romantic love proposal on knees. offering ring
now what to say about this couple,, they are really cute, man in black offering ring to girl,
showing love on knees by reading poems
We have seen proposals on publich places, but offering ring in some remote place will be quite romantic.
offering ring to a beautiful a girl can deny such proposal.
love proposal during bicycle ride..on beach, at sunset.

a very cute love proposal during morning walk, yet another innovative and surprizing proposal.
very favulous proposal on knees.
statue of love proposal ,
a very romantic expression of love.
an innovative proposal. good looking couple
you must adopt this technique to make smile your angery girlfriend..

a quote innovative and descent marriage proposal. also a surprize proposal as evident from expressions of beautiful lady.
a public marriage proposal.
offering ring, is in itself most romantic that can happen.boy on knee offering ring.
a very very romantic, gentle and cute young couple,
yet another innovative love proposal.
rita, will you marry me.?
pic asking will you marry me from sky.

this pic shows an innovative wedding proposal

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